Depth psychology is a psychological approach that sees the unconscious and what lies below the surface of our awareness as having a major influence on our lives, the way we relate to the world, others, and ourselves. In fact, it is most often things that we are not even aware of that lie at the root of our symptoms such as anxiety and depression, failed relationships, career blocks, and other places we find ourselves stuck in our lives.
As a psychodynamic approach, depth psychology sees many of the issues that we encounter as being rooted in early life experiences. In exploring and coming to understand how formative experiences continue to affect the way we think, feel, react, and behave, we begin to notice repetitive patterns we engage in that are at the core of our suffering. These patterns become predictable. As we begin to become aware of ways that we repetitively engage with life that cause us pain or unwanted results, we can then start to make different choices, creating lasting change and transformation both inside and out.